Volunteering with 750 Motor Club
Motorsport relies on a huge network of volunteers; not just the loyal 'orange army' of marshals that are an intrinsic part of racing, but also scrutineers, clerks and officials. Looking to get involved and hands-on in motorsport? Get in touch with 750 Motor Club and we can point you in the right direction.

Surplus of Marshals for 750 Motor Club Events

Now I have your attention with the amazing headline, I can tell you that the concept of having too many marshals is impossible! But we can hope, and maybe we can get you to help get near to the first dream.
The RAC have opened the door to assist us, by allowing a signature to be given by the Clerk of the Course to drivers who do a days marshalling so let's start with the drivers. If your car's out of action, or your formula/group is not included at a meeting, why not volunteer for marshalling? You can see first hand what the problems are on the bank, make some suggestions to the guys about how drivers can be supported better, and make friends with the people that you may have to stand next to, the next time you spin or break down. All this and a signature too!
And what about your friends? I know that when they find out that you race, they are impressed and you invite them to come and watch you some time. Wouldn't it be an extra inducement if you said "I might be able to get you in to marshal"? Well, its worth a try.
What about those of you who already marshal? Why not try and encourage some friends to come and try? The 750MC is a good place to start marshalling, as it's not quite so formal, and the racing is better than you will get anywhere else. I've lost count of the number of times last year that a marshal from another club who has just completed his first 750MC meeting has come up to me to say that we run the slickest day and the fullest grids that they have seen for some time.Finally I will appeal for support from those who have never come to a race meeting. Try it once and see if you like it. I did.
In 1971 I went to my first meeting at Snetterton for 750MC having never been to a race circuit in my life and it has turned into my biggest hobby. It may not work for you but give it one try.
So, if you take up my challenge, what will be expected of you? Well, as a 'novice' you will normally go to a post and be put in the care of some experienced marshals. They will show you the ropes during the day, and duties will include pushing cars, sweeping, and getting instruction about what to look for. You may also learn some new words from the friendly drivers who stop to talk to you after mechanical failure! If working out on the circuit doesn't appeal, there are other jobs including assembly, pit, telephone and start line.
From an article by former Chief Marshal Pete Harding first published in the 750 Motor Club Bulletin Magazine - April 1998

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email: chiefmarshal@750mc.co.uk or call the 750MC office on 01332 814548