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Rick Collins Memorial Details

Thu 21 Jan 2016

A memorial get together is being held for Rick Collins at The White Horse in Wroxton (Oxfordshire) on the 31st of January at 3:30pm. This will be an informal gathering for anyone and everyone who knew Rick and would like to come and share fond memories with others and raise a glass in his name. There will be a memory book in place for people to write and share happy memories. It would also be appreciated if anybody who had any photographs of Rick could make copies of them and bring them along to be placed in the memory book as well.

There will also be a collection to raise funds to create a Rick Collins Memorial Cup for the 750 Motor Club, which was a big part of his life in his later years and which he held dearly. Please pass on these details to anybody who you think of who knew Rick and may want to attend, however if you could let John Gasking know on this email address, it would be greatly appreciated so that numbers can be anticipated.
